SChnitzer Group Academy
Sampling process according to VDA Volume 2 Edition April 2020 and QS 9000 PPAP
In this seminar, you will learn how the sampling process is organized, carried out and documented correctly and comprehensibly. You will learn the requirements of the two sampling variants, with further consideration of customer systems and legal requirements. In addition, the seminar offers a lot of practical information and application examples from the day-to-day business of the Schnitzer Group, as well as the experiences and challenges with all those involved in the sampling process: Customer, supplier Tier1, Tier2, Tier X.
Introduction to the PPF process (production process and product release)
Supplier responsibility (supply chain, supply chain responsibility, CSR and interface with set parts)
PPF timeline
Application of the release matrix
(Sampling coordination meeting: timing, content, VDA notes).
Sampling implementation (including resource planning)