Our Method


The SYSTEMIC Upgrade for your engineering project!

"The SYSTEMIC Upgrade for your engineering project" is our method and approach and describes the leveraged advantage you gain for your project.

You have a dedicated contact person "one face to the customer", while benefiting from the expertise of the entire Schnitzer Group.

Our 60 experienced Schnitzer colleagues, who are technical specialists and well-versed in project and quality management, make this added value happen.

Since 1992, Schnitzer Group has established itself as an international service provider in industrialization of complex technical startup and development projects as well as in serial production.

Tailored to the situation and acting as partners, we enhance the specialized technical expertise of our customers’ project teams and clear up capacity bottlenecks with respect to expert knowledge, international locations or with Task Force and interim assignments.

Our professional interface communication has a targeted effect and allows a differentiated flow of information to all they involved in the project. Each stakeholder receives the information that they can work with and that is important for their project scope

As part of the collaboration, customers can draw from our many years of hands-on experience and worldwide network within the industry (OEMs, system suppliers, sub-suppliers, manufacturers of operational media and materials, institutions and business partners)

As an independent service provider, we function in a way that is honest, transparent and solution-oriented towards all stakeholders in the project.

The evolution of Systemic Projectmanagement is SYSTEMIC Upgrade. We have taken this bold step to convey the additional benefits in words.

The SYSTEMIC Upgrade for your engineering project!



Ongoing projects


Project satisfaction


Probability of repeat business


Regular customers


Countries in which we are active



3 days - 2 years

Project duration




On-site within 24 hours


Budget adherence


Total projects


Identified & eliminated risks


Series experience

23.7 interfaces in an average project


Components / subassemblies


One face to the customer, 3.2 experts in the background


Years of professional experience


Schnitzer Group network of toolmakers and producers


Process auditors in acc. with VDA Volume 6.3


Schnitzer Group
Paradiesstraße 4
Wangen i. A., Germany

Phone: +49 7522 7079 69-0
E-mail: info@schnitzer-group.com

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